MDM 5.5: Performance problems while loading repositories solved through SP5 & Technical Changes Steffen Ulme

MDM 5.5: Performance problems while loading repositories solved through SP5 & Technical Changes
Steffen Ulme

In this blog I will document the performance improvements which we made at a MDM-project with a very large repository. Maybe you have also problems with your repository (MDM 5.5 < SP5) regarding:
- Loading the repository,
- Adding/ Deleting fields via the SAP MDM Console,
- Modifying record values via the Portal Busienss Package.

If you have these problems, switching to MDM5.5 SP5 can solve these difficulties.

Let me describe our system landscape:
We used MDM5.5 SP4 with a very large repository (~200 tables, many taxonomy records). We had bad response times within the Portal UI as well as it took very long to add or delete fields within the SAP Console. The mayor problem was that it took around 3 hours to load the repository after it was stopped. This handicaped the project team very much, because during the loading of the repository nobody was able to work with it.

Solution description
To enhance the performance we implemented the following tasks:
1. Upgrade to MDM 5.5 SP5: We decided to upgrade to MDM5.5 SP5. Together with the upgrade we made the following

2. Landscape changes:
- we devided the Portal and the MDM Server into two machines, and
- we installed a new database on the local MDM-server.
Further we checked the repository modelling and changed the follwoing technical settings in the repsoitory in order to enhance the performance:

3. Keywords: Set the property "Keyword" for all repository fields to "None" if there is no need to set it to "Normal".

4. Sort Index Exists: Change "Sort Index Exists" for all fields from "Normal" to "None", excepts the fields which should be sorted via the result set in the Data Manager (e.g.: Name, Description, ID). The sort index enables the sorting of the data in the named column in the Data Manager

5. Display fields: Reduce the number of display fields within the repository. Reduce the number in all tables! (also in lookup, qualified tables as well as the main table)

6. Delete unused tables and fields: Check your repository if there are unused tables or not used fields. You should delete these fields and tables.

As a summary these are the reasons for the huge performance improvements:
- Upgarde to MDM 5.5 SP5,
- extra hardware (previously MDM was installed with Portal on one Box),
- newly installed Database SW => repository was newly unarchived => no fragments
- Technical Changes in the repository.

I hope that these experience will help you in your project if you have the described performance problems.

Steffen Ulmer

Steffen Ulmer is a SAP NetWeaver Technology Consultant.